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Living Changes

Early and Middle Neolithic

ca. 5500 to 2800 BC

The third section of the permanent exhibition confronts you with the most momentous upheaval in human cultural history to date: the transition from a foraging way of life to plant cultivation and animal husbandry. With the beginning of the Late Stone Age (Neolithic), the time of the hunter-gatherer, the longest phase of human lifestyle, came to an end and the era of the farmers began. Impressive exhibits from important sites in Saxony-Anhalt provide an insight into the economic, social, and ideological changes of this period– determined by a fundamental change of living, which ultimately also shapes our current values and forms of society.

Museum exklusiv

Here you can find the films from the »Museum exklusiv« series of the State Museum of Prehistory »Lebenswandel – die Neolithisierung«, »Neolithikum: Zeitalter der Migration«, »Entstehung von Arm und Reich«, »Vom Jäger zum Bauern: Imagination einer Zeitenwende« and »Das Steinkammergrab von Göhlitzsch« (German version only).

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